Subject: Creating 3D model of an investigated object by it`s 2D representations. Recognition of the object.
Teacher: professor Melnikov Boris Feliksovich.
The work is divided into 4 component parts:
- Extract edges as a straight lines from each representation of the object.
- Compare the extracted edges and find knots, i.e. the points where a corner is located on different representations.
- Using formulas of flats and right lines create 3-dimensional model of the object.
- Recognize the object using it`s 3D model.
I have realized only the first part of the work by now.
The algorithm is:
- Color reduction. Decreasing the number of colors in object representations.
- Evolving image areas with similar colors, i.e. the nearer pixel is located to the border of colors, the more it dark. As a result of it I get blurred lines covered edges of the object.
- Evolving sharp straight lines and arcs from the blurred lines.